Whether you're new to short-form video or just need some fresh ideas, we've got you covered. Building a listicle around a topic that would work better as a regular article will only result in an underwhelming reading experience and, in turn, poor search engine rankings. Are you? If possible, its also a good idea to record what the purpose of the article is, as this can help you decide what angle youre going to tackle the topic from. Titanic.. 4. If you search for your intended keyword and find most marketers are creating Ultimate Guides on the topic, you might decide it's better to avoid a listicle format. "5 Steps to Do X"), and sometimes there won't be as obvious a story (e.g. I've learned absolutely nothing. There is an almost unlimited number of ways in which you can use listicles to make your argument, explain a topic, sell a product, and so on, but I feel like thats enough to get the basic idea. software, Theyre easy to skim for important information, Its easy to put down and come back where you left off, They can break complex topics down into digestible chunks, Each item written feels like an achievement, Lists are great for targeting core keywords, Smaller listicles can be adapted to suit long-tail keywords, Write from personal experience on the topic, Use an interesting example/case study to frame the information, Dig out obscure but useful statistics to shed new light on the topics importance, Give relevant content upgrades to encourage further action and provide extra value, Collect information from multiple sources to provide a summary, Use images and/or gifs to illustrate your points, A personal essay/experience-based listicle (X things I learned about Y), Advice from experience (X tips from 3 years of, Research roundup (a heavily sourced list of information), Reported list (more of an article turned into a list to make it scannable), Editorial-turned-list (a list being used to argue a specific point), 16 Amazing Recipes to Convert Your Friends to Veganism, Give unique examples of your topic to inspire experimentation, Tie everything back to your central argument and hammer the point home, Offer a content upgrade or have another call to action, Suggest activities or techniques to use what youve written about. This includes a variety of sub-categories such as family games, children's games and ice breakers that may be used at meetings and events.A game that is played verbally without any equipment or physical . This is an easy one. One of the best-known examples is Dave Pell's Next Draft - a curation of great stories from around the web, which he regularly publishes as a list post. 8) Best Practices: This list shares information that helps others improve their business. The Listicle. There you have it! The Unforgivable: After serving a prison sentence for a violent crime, a woman attempts to re-enter society and put her life back together in a world that refuses to forgive her past.. 5. Yet on the other hand, marketers have hijacked them to use our natural love of lists to lure us into their sites. Clickbait is difficult to avoid, as it encompasses different things for each reader. . Inside this tutorial: How to Create a Buzzfeed-Style Listicle. However, you also need to ensure that your chosen images are relevant to the content. This very listicle How-To post includes 10 steps for writing a listicle, because that's how many I thought were individually valuable and indicative of a high-quality list post for this particular subject. Giving our readers enough information for that section to be truly helpful would have involved copying and pasting the entirety of our GDPR post into our listicle, and that wouldn't have been the most helpful choice (and also might've hurt our SEO). They can be shared and skimmed easily, and if even a single nugget of value triggers the users satisfaction, they can easily click to share it themselves. You could even create a landing page to target a main keyword and then use it to link to a collection of listicles which target all of the long-tail variations of that keyword. 5) Reasons Why: One Green Planet published a listicle about why zoos are bad. Irregular numbers are also more eye-catching than standard figures like 15 or 20. Listicles summarize their main points in a sentence or two each (the list items themselves) and then elaborate on them. . If your information isnt in some way unique to your own post, theres also little reason to link back to you instead of your sources. Under no circumstances should you just take what the current top-ranking post has said and turn it into a list. GeekBuddy Analysis 2-8 Players Community: 4-8 Best: 5-6 Time: -- (Not provided by publisher) Age: 14+ Community: 8+ Weight: 1.00 / 5 'Complexity' Rating Designer N/A Artist N/A Publisher Buffalo Games See Full Credits Yes, they bring simplicity and order to stories. Finally, decide on the level of detail that will accompany your list and whether any extra material (eg, content upgrades) will be provided. Here are just a few reasons: Also, Id like to suggest that the popularity of listicles is at least partly because the unavoidable number in their title insinuates completeness. 2023 Content Powered. A great list post nixes the fluff and concretely explains each item in detail. If your target audience has identified their issue and understands the kinds of solutions they need, an artfully written Listicle from you that lists and compares their available solution providers can drive business results. I'm not as strict about this one as some list post purists, but in general, I agree that your listicle should have a consistent and parallel look. A business blog (such as the one here at Process Street) may instead use a topic relevant to their products audience. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Want some free consulting? 12 Minutes. In fact, this post about listicles is largely a list post itself. You can be the judge of its quality, but I stand by my beliefs. The link mentioned has a 404 error. Free and premium plans, Customer service software. Your email address will not be published. Add any extra information you want to work into your article. Once youve edited your list post, youll need to find images and videos to support your content. Even if you cant locate it, its good to get into the habit of trying. This means that intellectual rather than physical prowess is required. If the audience of your blog is comprised of a variety of readers representing different industries or businesses (like ours), this can be tricky. Pick a topic, set a number, and fill it out. A friend of mine told me that Google will penalize it since she had issues with these. Every individual item on a listicle has, typically, 50-100 words worth of content. Theyve been done to death, and a lot of us are sick of them. #ez-toc-container{background:#f9f9f9;border:1px solid #aaa;border-radius:4px;-webkit-box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);box-shadow:0 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.05);display:table;margin-bottom:1em;padding:10px;position:relative;width:auto}div.ez-toc-widget-container{padding:0;position:relative}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-light-blue{background:#edf6ff}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-white{background:#fff}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-black{background:#000}#ez-toc-container.ez-toc-transparent{background:none}div.ez-toc-widget-container ul{display:block}div.ez-toc-widget-container li{border:none;padding:0}div.ez-toc-widget-container ul.ez-toc-list{padding:10px}#ez-toc-container ul ul,.ez-toc div.ez-toc-widget-container ul ul{margin-left:1.5em}#ez-toc-container li,#ez-toc-container ul{padding:0}#ez-toc-container li,#ez-toc-container ul,#ez-toc-container ul li,div.ez-toc-widget-container,div.ez-toc-widget-container li{background:0 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If you need help, check out our free SEO and keyword research process. You could write a listicle which is nothing more than a title, five sub-headings for each list item, and a picture or gif below each. 4. Dont believe me? Subscribe to the Marketing Blog below. For example, how-to guides can be broken down into distinct steps: 10 Steps to Start Your Business 9 Ways to Improve Organic Reach and Beat the YouTube Algorithm Blog posts consisting of a list of examples make great listicles: The Ultimate Preppy Listicle 12 Facebook Ad Examples You Wish You Made Use images and bullet points to break up text when appropriate. To illustrate the game, I provided a personal example using a hypothetical example: Ideally, most readers will find this example helpful for understanding the premise behind the game and understanding how it works in-action. While we sometimes still write lists posts containing six or fewer items, we don't include the number in the title for those posts. The last tip in the list was "Check to see your emails' legality" and mentioned GDPR, which could be a blog post in itself in fact, it already is! Use these to find a keyword with a decent amount of traffic (volume) and as low a difficulty rating as possible (to make it easier to rank for). Theyre formatted in a way that is exceedingly easy to skim to get to the exact information you want, making them a massive victory for fast access to information and usability. Keywords can guide your content, but you dont need to be ruled by them. For example, ITD, a soft skills training provider gives out free tip sheets for communication, assertiveness, . Some hate them. And it's consistently one of the most popular email newsletters in the world. Heres an example of a more article-focused listicle: This is closer to a typical article, with each section digging into a specific aspect of an overarching subject. For example, a list of growth hacks you can take to boost your site ranking. Affiliate links allow you to earn money by promoting another companys product or service. How many words is that post? Include hashtags in your posts so that people can find them easier. Thank you so much! Additionally, listicles are incredibly shareable on social platforms. It helps draw attention to those words and increases the likelihood that users will click through to your site. Lists Are Ethically Neutral. Originally I had brainstormed 11, but as I started writing, I cut one out because it wasn't that different from another point, and they could easily be represented as one. But once I'd identified all the points I wanted to include, I rearranged the furniture a bit. If your listicle seems long or unruly, consider breaking it up into subcategories to help readers scan for what they're looking for and feel less overwhelmed at first glance. I often make a spreadsheet of tips, with the ones I can think of, the ones I can find, the ones in other lists on the same topic, and so on. I noticed there is an error in the link indicated in the comment above. Project Zomboid, an open-world zombie apocalypse survival game, is set within a hauntingly accurate 1993 version of Kentucky. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I was really nervous to have posted a listicle. To start making money from writing listicles, you should focus on creating long listicles. Listicles can target core keywords while still hitting an array of related long-tail keywords. Listicles are everywhere. There is no guesswork involved, and expectations you've set for your readers are very clear. 5. We create blog content that converts - not just for ourselves, but for our clients, too. 16. Have you ever read Buzzfeed? At best, thats thin content that will get ignored, and at worst, it can penalize you. First, we need to understand why listicles are so effective. Make sure that you include tags like best, most, and worst so that people know exactly what type of listicle they are getting into. By making sure that your readers always have at least a portion of an image on screen you can help to encourage them to scroll further to see the rest. In an online world where the quality of your blog content is only increasing in importance, the list post (otherwise known as a listicle) commonly gets a bad rap. 10) Clickable Links: If youre creating a guest listicle blog post, provide a link to your website. Sit down with your team and brainstorm challenges your readers might be facing, and then decide whether that challenge can be solved with a step-by-step guide or a list of tools (that includes yours). Simply put, a listicle is an article written in list-format. 4) How To Sleep Better In 94 Seconds They don't tell you to inspect the comfort of your mattress, but there are some good sleep tips here. Even if you don't think you know anything about anything important, don't sweat- just choose a topic and ask 3-4 other people to contribute a . Here's some suggestions for making your listicles really count (pun intended). Listicles; Listicles, a portmanteau of the words list and article, are short articles that list down samples, reasons, or factors about a specific subject. Poor Jason's email got hacked, and as a consequence, he probably sent an email to celebrity hottie Olivia Munn by accident, the horror! Examples of listicles. We pick blog topics like hedge funds pick stocks. Humorously enough, there are many published listicles on reasons to love or hate them"179 Reasons to Hate Listicle Articles" & "Five Reasons Why Millennials Love Listicles" are examples for each side of the debate. Listicle examples There are lots of types and forms a listicle can take, so to give you a better idea of how listicles may look and work, I've categorized them by goal: 1. Regardless, of where you stand, I decided on sharing some of my lists here with you all. Listicles articles presented in the form as lists are a trendy content format because: They appeal to our brains' tendency to categorize things. Inside this tutorial: How to Create a Buzzfeed-Style Listicle. Titanic: A seventeen-year-old aristocrat falls in love with a kind but poor artist aboard the luxurious, ill-fated R.M.S. If there are indeed only 10 significant points to make, consider going into more detail, having a more scannable structure, or even adding bonuses to make your piece stronger than the competition. 4. Definitely not. When we published "34 Millennial Stats That Marketers Need to Know", we broke up the statistics into five sections: "General Stats and Market Opportunities", "Social Media & Digital Habits", "Behaviors and Financial Factors", "Education and Work", and "Political and Societal Views": If some of our readers don't care about the average millennial's financial situation, they can easily scan the post and avoid that section. An internal study of our own blog, for example, revealed that posts for which the title indicated six items or fewer didn't perform as well as when the title indicated the list contained seven or more items. You could write a listicle which is nothing more than a title, five sub-headings for each list item, and a picture or gif below each. Its beneficial to SEO efforts if the primary keywords are used in the subheadings. 33 Listicle ideas | money saver, infographic health, budgeting money Listicle ideas 32 Pins 7y S Collection by Sizzling Scrapbook Content Marketing Social Media Marketing Internet Marketing Make Money Blogging How To Make Money Blogging Ideas Blogging Prompts Easy Money Money Fast Mind . The first thing you need to know about writing a good listicle is that there are two kinds: short ones and long ones. Writing a Listicle: The 11-Step Guide and Why Theyre Awesome, 23 People You Seriously Wont Believe Actually Exist, A Legal Guide for Bloggers: Copyright, the DMCA, and Fair Use Images, https://elitecustomessays.com/article-writing-writing-ideas/academic-work/, https://elitecustomessays.com/article-writing-writing-ideas-academic-work/, IT When you sit down to start drafting your listicle, decide how granular you want to make your topic. Does that mean you should come up with three more lower-quality items just to achieve your goal of 14? 9) Tags: Tags are an effective way to organize your listicle. Dont forget to use bullet points! Buzzfeeds style of listicles is excellent for sharing on Facebook and going viral with memes, but its abysmal for SEO and marketing. Lists of items you want to complete for a task. You can easily drown in a sea of particularly low-quality, low-value listicles like the "7 Signs You're Monica from Friends" post I read earlier. Each item of your list will include a few sentences, or multiple paragraphs to explain the list item. Before we dive into how to create your own listicle, let's explore a few examples to inspire you: Now that we've explored some examples, let's dive into how you can create a listicle of your own. Next, you should find the right keyword for your post. Free and premium plans. Another best practice is to emphasize your strongest points in the beginning, middle, and end of your list to keep readers engaged throughout. You generally want a primary keyword and a list of secondary keywords youll hit along the way. 6) Quotes: Quotes are another way to add personality to your listicle. Here are my eight tips for getting your listicle published. Readers may also like to reference certain points on a list later or share them with others, and being able to refer to a specific number rather than having to say "I think it's near the bottom of the list" or "It's the fourth bullet point down" is a much more user-friendly experience for your blog audience. If this is the case, consider pointing your readers to another place for more in-depth information. Want to talk about online marketing? Try another search, and we'll give it our best shot. Always think twice before posting. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. Put simply a listicle is an article that includes a list of items. For example, if the space for SEO Checklist is packed (which it is), I might look for a unique angle on it, like: Picking a unique angle, a unique spin, or a unique framing for your listicle can go a long way towards making it more relevant, even if 90% of the content inside it will be the same. It was unorganized and all over the place. Disclosure: This website contains affiliate links which benefit the creator, Lori Ballen.
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